Special Giving
Donate $100/month for health care for the 100%
We’re looking for 100 people to contribute 100/month to win health care for the 100% by allowing us to sustain our work.
Sign up for a supermarket rewards program
Sign up to have King Soopers/City Market or Safeway donate a percentage of your spendings to the Colorado Foundation.
Create a Facebook fundraising campaign
Run your own Facebook fundraiser for the Foundation
More Tax-Deductible Contributions
Make a tax-deductible contribution
Any contribution to the Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care, a 501C3 nonprofit, is tax-deductible and applies directly toward achieving our mission
Donate your Colorado tax refund
Invest your refund in a better health care future for all.
Make a tax-free IRA distribution
Harness your IRA to win health care for all.
Support us with a vehicle donation.
You can also mail a check payable to the Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care to Diane Dunn, Treasurer, 1568 Perry St. Denver, CO 80204-1459. Our Federal Tax ID# is 84-1424895.